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The AI Prompt That Saw Right Through Me Oct 24, 2024

Have you ever felt that someone—or something—can see right through you?

ChatGPT just did, and it was almost scary how accurate it was.

Well, that’s not entirely true, because deep down, I always knew this about myself, but wasn’t quite ready to face it.

Here’s the prompt I used, if you want to try it out:

“From all of our interactions, what is one thing that you can tell me about myself that I may not know about myself?

Where might I be lack...

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Why High Reps Aren't Bullsh*t: Clearing Up the Confusion Jun 30, 2024

Have you ever been told that doing high reps in your workouts is a waste of time? 

The fitness world is full of confusing claims, either relying on "the science" or "experience". 

I believe in using elements of both to understand what truly works.

Instagram post: Optimal Muscle Growth - Why Researchers, Coaches and Bodybuilders Can’t Agree

Let’s look at quotes like "No one got big doing high reps," "It’s all just swelling," or "10+ reps are w...

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What Bruce Lee’s Philosophy Can Teach You About Navigating Social Media Apr 13, 2024

In a world saturated with influencers proclaiming their ultimate routines for success, happiness, and self-improvement, it's easy to fall prey to the illusion of an "optimal" life.

The legendary Bruce Lee was not only an actor and a martial arts master but also a philosopher who developed a unique approach to life and combat. He’s credited with the quote:

"Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, and add what is uniquely your own."

Lee ...

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Forget "Biohacking" - Embrace Simplicity bodybuilding diet lean nutrition Feb 25, 2024

While the latest fad diet or workout program is tempting, it rarely works as promised.

New Shiny Object Syndrome can lead us astray, tempting us with extreme results from extreme approaches.

- Eliminate this, only eat that.

"Never" and "Always" are the common phrases.

- Do 52 sets of lengthened partials for optimal muscle growth.

No upper limit to volume. No upper limit to protein.


"Nothing works better than anything else, because ...

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The Secret Ingredient to Muscle Growth: It's Not Just Volume, It's You Feb 01, 2024

Training for muscle hypertrophy is a topic that fascinates me deeply, and if you’re reading this I will assume you share that fascination.

However, the journey to achieving this goal is not as straightforward as it might seem, or you wouldn’t still be reading. Whether you're a seasoned bodybuilder, a fitness enthusiast, or someone just starting out, my goal with this article is to delve into the nuanced relationship between training volume and m...

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The Muscle Growth Plateau: A Troubleshooting Guide Jan 07, 2024

We’ve all been there.

Reading books or articles, listening to our favourite experts or podcasts online, trying that new program which is supposed to be working for everyone - at least if you go by the glowing testimonials…except for yourself.

You might have a few weeks of progress, followed by - best case - weeks or months of little to no results, or - worst case - setbacks, regression or injury.

Looking for solutions, you try it all:

  • Advan
  • ...
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Swearing makes you stronger(!) + my biggest learnings from 2023 and goals for 2024 Dec 31, 2023

As we enter the final hours of a year that has been both rough and educational in many ways, I want to share some of my reflections with you.

First, a new study showed that my North-Norwegian heritage has a clear advantage, as I was raised in a culture where swearing is central part of our language.

It can actually increase your strength and pain threshold!

In the study "Effect of swearing on strength: Disinhibition as a potential mediator" (c...

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Discipline: The Key to Transformation Dec 27, 2023

On the path to achieving peak physical and mental performance, there's a powerful ally often misunderstood: Discipline. 

Discipline requires more than just relentlessly forcing yourself into a rigid routine. 

Discipline can be simply summarised as:

The willpower to resist what feels good in the short term to promote what is good for you in the long term.

Motivation is not the same thing as discipline, it’s more fleeting and emotionally or...

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